The following rules were developed by the CAOG Scientific Program Committee.




  • Deadline: Monday, April 21, 2025, 11:59 p.m. C.D.T.
    Abstracts received after the deadline will NOT be accepted or reviewed.


  • Presenting Author:
    Designate a Presenting Author for each abstract. This is the author who will present the abstract at the CAOG Meeting.


  • Sponsoring Member Requirement:
    Obtain sponsorship of your abstract from a CAOG member only if the Presenting Author is not a CAOG member.


  • Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Statement:
    A Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Statement must be completed by the Presenting Author (the signature is indicated by checking a box in the program). It is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to report potential conflicts of all abstract authors.


  • Co-Author Approval:
    Ensure that all co-authors approve of the abstract submission, publication and potential presentation. It is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to contact the other authors about the status of the abstract.


  • Number of Submissions:
    Submit as many abstracts as you wish. However, the Program Committee will consider the total number of abstracts submitted by the same author/institution when selecting the program.


  • Abstract Receipt Confirmation:

          Contact Rochelle Hickel ( if you do not receive an e-mail confirmation within two business days of submitting your abstract. 

          Lack of confirmation indicates that we did not receive your abstract.


  • Abstract Notification:
    In late May the abstract’s Presenting Author will receive correspondence about the status of the submitted abstract. If you do NOT receive this by May 31, 2025, please send an e-mail inquiry to Your e-mail will receive prompt attention.




When you submit an abstract to the CAOG, it is peer reviewed and may be assigned to one of the following:


  • Oral Presentation – At least twenty (20) oral presentations will be selected this year. This paper requires a 12-minute presentation with or without questions from the audience. If accepted for Oral Presentation, it is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to submit a manuscript suitable for publication in a peer reviewed medical journal. This submission must be received by September 1, 2025, complete with copyright assignment. Approved manuscripts will be published at a later date.


  • Poster Presentation – This requires the author’s presence at the poster, with posters remaining on display for two days. Poster presentations may submit a manuscript for publication in a peer reviewed medical journal by September 1, 2025. These manuscripts are reviewed by the journal and published at their discretion with the notation that the data was presented at the 2024 CAOG meeting.



This section contains helpful information to guide you through the online submission process. It is the author’s responsibility to see that the following guidelines and instructions are followed to ensure optimal reproduction. Abstracts that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned.


  1. Follow screen directions for entering information.
  • TITLE: The title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the presentation. It should appear in title case (not all caps).
  • AUTHORS: List the presenting author’s name and provide complete contact information.
  • CO-AUTHORS: List the names of the co-authors and their institutions.
    • State the purpose of the study (preferably in one sentence).
    • State methods used.
    • Summarize results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions.
    • State the conclusions reached. (It is not satisfactory to say, “The results will be discussed.”)
    • Do not use tables or figures.
  • SUBJECT CATEGORIES: Authors must select an abstract review category (only one) by checking the appropriate category.
  • LENGTH: The estimated “maximum length” for CAOG abstracts is 800 words. The electronic submission program will automatically edit the abstract for length, and will inform you of compliance. At least 500-600 words should be devoted to methods and results.


2. Verify that your abstract is correct by clicking “Preview Abstract”.


3. Click on the Submit Your Abstract, but ONLY when you are sure that your abstract is complete and in final form.


Your submission is not complete until all the required materials have been received.


Click HERE to submit your abstract!